So, bedtime, tonight, started off like any other bedtime...
...undress the girls, let them wear themselves out with the naked dance (them, not me), sit on the potty and read the potty book (I brought this back from when Jordan was about the same age, now for Madison), then jammies, story and lullabies... then, out of the blue, Madison grabs my hand and counts my fingers... nine, two, three four five (okay, not exactly perfection, but for a girl who usually greets me with "nananana" when I ask if she missed me, pretty bloody impressive). I started her again with one, and she counted up to five three more times. How cool is that? Being a new dad, I've often worried that Madison wasn't quite meeting the same milestones Jordan was, or that she was being slowed up for some reason, then, out of the blue, starting on Christmas Day, she's surprised me left and right. On Christmas, she said her first sentence ("I got it back"), she's started jumping (that was a little before Christmas, maybe Thanksgiving), and she just keeps surprising us day after day. Madison has come a long way in the last couple of months, and its a lot of fun to watch.
Jordan, on the other hand, is like a little adult. She speaks so well (and I'm not doting on her, I am an expert now in child development, thanks to my job, and she is miles ahead of the average 3 yr old in speech). Jordan makes up stories, tells jokes, and has conversations that last from the minute she wakes up to bedtime.
I'm sure I've bored you all with the bragging, but its what daddies do, so deal with it... until next time...
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