...on our way out to lunch. I was in the car with my mother in law, Cathy, and the girls were in their car seats in the back. They were quiet (well, at normal volume, I guess. Are they ever quiet anymore??) and Cathy and I were talking when all of a sudden they both start screaming at each other.
(Now, before I go on, I should mention a game that Joey and I often play with the girls. I will pretend to grab one of their noses, or an ear, and eat it. They then will either take my nose and eat it, or put it in place of their nose I took, or they will take their nose back out of my mouth and put it back on. They think it is the funniest thing!)
Anyway, I would say, considering the girls' age group, overall they get along very well. We've tried to teach them the concept of sharing, and while it is hard for them to grasp, I think they do a pretty good job. They play together, and act goofy together, and - more often than not - if I cannot understand what Madison is trying to tell me, Jordan can translate. So sudden outbursts like this are rare. And when they happen, they are usually over a toy. But since we were in the car, and it was only a 10 minute car ride, I knew they had no toys. So I asked Madison, who was crying at this point, "What happened?"
Madison's reply: "Jordan ate my foot."
Silly girls.